Brayer Roller Tips and Care Information

First a few tips when using your Brayer

  • Have cleaning wipes ready to clean the roller as you work
  • When using your brayer, rest it on the metal and not on the roller itself
  • Have sheets of scrap paper available to remove most of the ink before washing the roller
  • Acrylic paint dries fast so try to wipe it off quickly before it dries
  • Extremely hot water or harsh cleaners can destroy your brayer roller
  • Make sure you clean your brayer well, do not forget to clean the edges of your roller including around the bearing
  • Always store your brayer with the rubber roller facing up. This will prevent the roller from developing a flat spot that will make smoothly rolling ink impossible


Cleaning ink from a Brayer

What you use to clean your brayer will really depend on what type of ink is on it.


Oil based ink

Use solvent based cleaners, such as white spirit or mineral spirits, also known as mineral turpentine. When cleaning try keeping the surface of the roller clean by wiping it completely dry with a clean rag, leaving no solvent, ink or other residue on the rubber.  Oils or solvents left on the surface of the rubber roller will shorten the life span and performance of your roller.


Water based inks

Use soap and water for cleaning up water based inks like acrylics. Add 1 tsp. of dish washing soap to one cup of water. Layers of acrylic paint can quickly build up on a rubber brayer. You can minimize this by wiping it with a wet paper towel between applications of colors. A brayer though still requires a thorough cleaning once your inking session is over.


If you hate having to scrub your brayer clean, here is an easier way to clean it. This works best on a 4” or less roller, although you’d just need to find a larger container for 6” or larger brayer. (sorry no wooden handle rollers)


Find a deep bowl, such as a cereal bowl


Get some Murphy Oil Soap and some warm water.


Fill the bowl with the warm water to cover the rubber roller. Add a few tablespoons of Murphy Oil Soap to the water and mix. Place your brayer in the water with the frame resting on the bottom of the bowl and the rubber roller facing up. Do not let the rubber roller touch the bottom or the sides of the bowl.


Have the brayer roller sit in this Murphy Oil and warm water mixture overnight. The next morning, the Murphy Oil Soap will have worked its magic. Using a paper towel wipe off any paint left on the roller.

This works great with plastic brayers but I wouldn’t use it to clean a wooden handle brayer, the water would ruin the wooden handle.



Take precautions to limit environmental extremes, including high temperature and prolonged exposure to sun light.



Add a rejuvenating application of Varn 120 at least once a year. Varn 120 is a water miscible roller and brayer wash that contains rubber rejuvenators and synthetic detergents. Be sure to wipe the surface completely dry immediately after application.



Store in a cool dark room away from direct sunlight. Always store your brayer with the rubber roller facing up. This will prevent the roller from developing a flat spot that will make smoothly rolling ink impossible.



Brayer Roller for art, pharmacy, print making, baking and for LCD screen film pasting.

Get in Touch

2519 N. McMullen Booth Road,
Suite 510-158,
Clearwater, FL 33761


© 2020 Brayer Roller, All Rights Reserved.